Features explained
Configuring Multi-Stage Compressors
In "Device Settings", in "Edit" do the following: A. Under "Sensor Configuration - Multi Stage": i. To enable TWO-STAGE Dashboard: "Enable Stage 1 Sensors" and "Enable Stage 2 Sensors". ii. To enable THREE-STAGE Dashboard: "Enable Stage 1 Sensors", ...
Event count mode settings
The purpose of this feature is to allow events to be displayed as a cumulative number, rather than separate events. Imagine you have an event that is triggered many times over a short period of time. This event will fill up the event log. If you are ...
Understanding the "Measurement Data" Report on Aircloud
To generate a measurement data report go to "Show Menu" > "Reports" > "Measurement data" Fill in all of the required fields on the subsequent screen (shown below): When selecting "Type of device" you may choose "device" to generate a report for all ...
How can I adjust my “Service Timers”?
Q: How can I adjust my service counters on the Aircloud? A: You can only adjust these settings when you have a ADMIN account. By following the steps described below you will be able to change the “alert settings” 1) Go to the Aircloud platform and ...
How can I adjust my “Alert settings”?
Q: How can I adjust my alert settings for the pressure and temperature readings on the Aircloud? A: You can only adjust these settings when you have a ADMIN account. By following the steps described below you will be ...
How can I adjust/set my “Performance” of the compressor?
Q: How can I adjust or set my Performance for my compressor on the Aircloud? A: You can only adjust these settings when you have an ADMIN account. By following the steps described below you will be able to change ...
How to fill in the identification of the compressor?
Q: How can I fill in my settings for my compressor on the Aircloud? A: You can only adjust these settings when you have a ADMIN account. By following the steps described below you will be able to change the “Identifications” ...
How to create an Aircloud URL & account for your customer and assign the Airtag to your customer
1) Create a subtenant and URL for your customer Click Show Menu on the top left. Choose Tenants tab. Click Add on the top right to create a subtenant for your customer. Enter your customer's information. Name: put the customer’s company name here ...