Readings on the dials: 'No data' VS '0' what is the difference?
Various data is displayed in Aircloud via dials. Sometimes a dial shows 'no data', but in other situations it shows a value of '0'. What is the difference between the two? VS Before explaining this difference. It is helpful to understand how an ...
How is the % load for an individual AIR-TAG calculated?
Variable speed compressors, use an intelligent drive system to continuously alter the motor speed to match the air demand. The drive controls the speed of the unit, fluctuating the amount of power that is used, but also fluctuating the amount of ...
Orange information icon (i) is displayed. What does this mean?
This i-icon will be orange if the webserver receives 'old data': when the difference between the timestamp of received data and timestamp of the created event/measurement differs more than 15 minutes. This can happen in several cases: The -Tag has ...
Where does the power reading on Aircloud come from?
The displayed power (kW) is a calculated value. The AirTag uses, inter alia, the measured current and voltage to determine this value. The kw calculation is done by the AirTag before sending the data to the cloud. In other words, the Aircloud ...
When the AirTag loses communication with the cloud is the data displayed on Aircloud still accurate?
Accuracy of data when communication with the cloud is lost: When the AirTag detects no communication with the cloud it will save the data samples locally. The processing of data is still as accurate as if it were to be connected to the cloud. In ...
How are the productive-, nonproductive- and stopped hours in a 'Asset Performance Report' calculated?
The airtag itself always calculates in seconds. Every second, it checks whether it is productive or non-productive and then adds to the correct counter 1. For example, with the non-productive counter it will have a value of 1200 after 20min. Every ...
No Power display on Aircloud
In order to discuss troubleshooting methods when the displayed power is missing or incorrect, it's important to first understand where the power reading on Aircloud comes from. As explained in the article, the incoming kW will be calculated from the ...
The specific efficiency tile on the AIR-TAG 'Performance' tab is continuously RED. What does this mean?
When the specific efficiency tile contents turn RED in colour, this means that asset specific efficiency is greater than 10 kW/m3/min (or equivalent / configured unit of measure). To bring attention or to 'WARN' a colour change is employed (RED).. In ...