Access the Airmatics AERO Modbus RTU Quickstart Guide here. This guide provides all necessary details to read data over ModbusRTU on the Airmatics AERO product. It includes: Connection Setup: Where to connect to the Airmatics AERO product. ...
We know there is a baffling array of choice when embarking on the journey to compressed air performance and health optimization, so thanks’ for choosing Airmatics. We know you will not be disappointed! We want your Airmatics on boarding experience ...
The purpose of this article is to explain how an Airmatics device samples data. This will include how often the Airtag takes a measurement, what it does with this measurement internally, and how often it sends this data to the cloud. Practically ...
Cybersecurity of Airmatics AERO: Separation of Networks Explained The Airmatics AERO is designed with robust cybersecurity in mind. It features two physically separated Ethernet interfaces to ensure complete isolation between networks: Private LAN, ...
Connecting locally to a gateway to adjust its settings is not recommended. Be confident that you have the correct information and skills to perform this task. Incorrectly configuring the gateway can result in the loss of a cellular connection. In the ...