Orange information icon (i) is displayed. What does this mean?
This i-icon will be orange if the webserver receives 'old data': when the difference between the timestamp of received data and timestamp of the created event/measurement differs more than 15 minutes. This can happen in several cases:
- The -Tag has lost connectivity and started resending (old) data.
- The Aircloud webserver is not timely processing the data received from AirTag.
Practically speaking this means that, if a -Tag is offline, but powered, the data samples will be stored inside the -Tag locally. As soon as the -Tag re-establishes a cloud connection, it starts uploading the offline stored samples. During this process, the orange 'i' is displayed.
You can verify if this is the case by looking at the 'last measurement received' indicator upon clicking on the 'device information' icon (= the 'i').
- It is confirmed that the -Tag is going trough an offload sample update cycle when the 'last measurement received' indicator is updating.
- In this scenario, the 'Com Cloud' led on the AirTag will be green since a correct connection is now established. However, the red/orange 'i' is still displayed.

In this scenario, do not power down the -Tag or gateway, this will only cause the uploading process to be interrupted, causing it to be restarted from the very beginning.Wait until all samples stored offline have been uploaded to the cloud. After this connectivity will be correctly established.