

Venn Diagram: Compressed Air Installation (Sets)

Venn Diagram:

Compressed Air Installation (General Arrangement Schematic Interpretation)

Disregarding interconnecting pipework, the general 'sets' are discrete without overlap

Instrumentation Mapping

*1 In some instances it is an accepted practice to add together all 'Asset Output Airflow' values to estimate total 'System' airflow.  Air temperature change, air treatment, filtration and condensate ejection will result in airflow losses, true 'Compressed Air System' airflow (airflow into the distribution network) will be a different (lower) value in reality with a different response curve characteristic. 
*2 Air quality monitoring at the air compressor output, or associated directly with the air compressor output, will not be representative of compressed air system delivery.  For example; pressure will deviate widely, air temperature will be high and typically oil vapour, particulate levels and dew point will also be high.

Some air compressor packages have 'dryer and filtration' equipment encompassed within the package enclosure. In this instance, regardless of physical location, the dryer and filtration equipment is 'Air Treatment and Conditioning' and should be regarded as belonging to the 'Compressed Air System' set and not the 'Asset' set. 

AIRMATICS TAG Application Mapping Principle

AirTAG: Asset - Instrumentation directly associated with asset 'Health and Performance'

UniTAG: Compressed Air System - Instrumentation associated with 'Supply Side' compressed air treatment and conditioning and key performance indicators associated with overall installation supply side performance.

AIRMATICS TAG Application Mapping Principle:

Installations with Individual Asset Air Treatment

 Note: In this arrangement no air treatment 'Differential Pressure' information will be available

AIRMATICS TAG Application Mapping Principle:

Installations with Individual Asset Air Treatment and Monitoring

'Generation Pressure' can be derived from Asset output pressure data or UNI-TAG instrumentation


  1. Overall System information can be interrogated (Home Page)
  2. Individual UNI-TAG sub-system information can be interrogated (inclusive of sub-system differential pressure, dew point and temperature)
  3. Individual AIR-TAG asset information can be interrogated

AIRMATICS TAG Application Mapping Principle:

Installations with Multiple Diversified Physical Locations


  1. Overall System information can be interrogated (Home Page)
  2. ·Individual physical location UNI-TAG information can be interrogated (inclusive of local differential pressure, dew point and temperature)
  3. ·Individual AIR-TAG asset information can be interrogated